My thoughts, could be your thoughts?

Do not even begin to think this is legal advice. It is my explanation of the series of questions which should be considered during my "legal process". I found that the best weapon they lawyers have is the paper inundation, in other words, they paper the crap out of you to prevent you from pursuing discover and disclosure. IF you get to that, they really begin to rain down paper upon you. Next, is summary judgment because you did not get to compel them to provide anything that would incriminate them, because you were busy answering the undue paper barrage. Judges are too blind to their apparent arrogance that they seemingly despise the words discovery being brought up. Or even a conference.

The opposition, in its tactics, keep things to common law, therefore, law is not in the court, only equity. And the men in robes like to keep it that way. Why? Is it for "campaign" support? A possibility of a future position for someone if they go along with the lie? Woe to you men in robes.

Discovery, in the law of the United States and other countries, is a pre-trial procedure in a lawsuit in which each party, through the law of civil procedure, can obtain evidence from the other party or parties by means of discovery devices such as a request for answers to interrogatories, request for production of documents, request for admissions and depositions. Discovery can be obtained from non-parties using subpoenas. When a discovery request is objected to, the requesting party may seek the assistance of the court by filing a motion to compel discovery.

Here is something to ponder; Many homeowners acting as pro se, are building up an immense amount of case law for the banks, not for the homeowners. This is very problematic, for future pro se trying to defend themselves. If you do not understand the eNote, I offer that you do understand its laws, and technical jargon, else you will be agreeing or admitting to something you assumed you understood. In other words; you'll get your arse kicked by ignorance.

When I understood that the opposition's favorite tool were "rules & procedures", it came to mind what all I might think about asking, or requesting from the opposition. I've compiled a few of my thoughts at that time onto this page. If a blind man were to open his eye, he would see many more possibilities?

 Discovery 101
1. Was this note to be a negotiable or non-negotiable instrument?
2. Are negotiable instruments allowed to be assigned/bought/sold/transferred?
3. Are non-negotiable instruments allowed to be assigned/bought/sold/transferred?
4. Does Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. have custody of the note?
5. Did you purchase the note?
6. On what date did Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. purchase the note?
7. Was the purchase part of a batch purchase?
8. Was this batch purchase in electronic form?
9. Was this batch process in paper form?
10. Does Wells Fargo have a document custodian?
11. Is the note registered on the MERS system?
12. Is the eNote registered on the MERS system?
13. Was the purchase based on a paper note?
14. Was the purchase based on an eNote?
15. Does the Esign Act allow for electronic negotiable instruments to exist?
16. Do UETA laws allow electronic negotiable instruments to exist?
17. Does the UCC all for electronic negotiable instruments to exists?
18. Are all assignments noted on the Campbell’s note?
19. Are all assignments noted on the eNote?
20. Have all assignments been recorded in land records office?
21. Have the assignments been recorded with the MERS system?
22. Was a transfer of lien form filled out?
23. Was the transfer of lien filed with local land records office in Williamson County, Texas?
24. Was the transfer of lien recorded on the MERS system?
25. Is there a servicer of the mortgage?
26. Who is the servicer?
27. Is there a servicing contract with the bank and servicer?
28. Provide a copy of this servicing contract.
29. Did you receive in the purchase a paper note?
30. Did you receive in the purchase an eNote?
31. Was the note used as collateral in the Borrower in Custody (BIC) program with the Federal Reserve Bank?
32. Who is the document custodian of the note for the BIC program?
33. Is the document custodian for the BIC program yearly status current?
34. Is the note used as collateral in the BIC program an eNote?
35. Is the note uses as collateral in the BIC program a paper note?
36. Was the Campbell’s note used as collateral in an investment vehicle?
37. What is the name of the investment vehicle?
38. Is there a Pooling and Servicing Agreement?
39. Who is the trustee for the investment vehicle?
40. Is the investment vehicle the owner of the note?
41. Is the investment vehicle the holder of the note?
42. Was possession taken by physical transfer of the paper note?
43. Were all assignments current at the time of taking possession of Campbell’s secured debt?
44. Were all the assignments to this date recorded in land records offices?
45. Was the note offered for sale to a GSE such as Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac?
46. Was the note sold in book-entry form?
47. Was the note lost?
48. Was the note destroyed?
49. Is Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. in possession of the original paper note with rights as holder?
50. Have you ever been in possession of the original paper note?
51. Was a document custodian holding the original paper note?
52. Do you have the document custodian withdrawal of collateral forms for the note?
53. Does the document custodian have transmittal receipts for the original paper note?
54. Was the note electronically scanned?
55. Was the note converted into an eNote?
56. Do you have the Authoritative Copy in your possession?
57. Was the data on the note assembled into an electronic database?
58. Was the eNote registered on MERS?
59. What is the MIN number?
60. Was a warehouse lender or equal used?
61. Was a Bailee letter used?
62. Who was the originator?
63. Was the note purchased?
64. Who purchased the note from the originator?
65. Was the purchase in paper form?
66. Was the purchase in electronic form?
67. Was the purchase in a batch process?
68. Was the note transferred into your possession?
69. Was an eNote transferred into your possession?
70. Did you receive a complete mortgage file containing all documentation?
71. Was a transfer of lien form filled out?
72. Was the transfer of lien filed with local land records office?
73. Was the transfer of lien recorded on the MERS system?
74. Who took custody of the note?
75. Was there a document custodian?
76. Was an eNote transferred in the batch process?
77. Were all other documents (i.e., deed of trust, disclosures) transferred in this batch?
78. In what format was this electronic file? (.i.e., XML, PDF)
79. Where all security items attached to the electronic file?
80. Provide the name of the current servicer of the note payments.
81. Provide the names of all past servicers.
82. Provide all servicing contracts of servicers with the owner/holder of the note.
83. Provide all servicing contracts with servicers and the trustee for the owner/holder of the note.
84. Was mortgage payment insurance required?
85. Provide the name of the mortgage insurance carrier.
86. Provide a copy of the mortgage insurance carriers’ procedure guideline.
87. Prior to default and acceleration notice who was the owner of the note?
88. Prior to default and acceleration notice who was the holder of the note?
89. Have all assignments of mortgage been recorded from closing to current owner?
90. Is the note in its current form in paper or electronic?
91. Provide the name of the document custodian in possession of the paper note.
92. Provide the name of the ecustodian in control of the enote.
93. Provide copy of the default and acceleration letter.
94. Provide copy of notice to mortgage insurance carrier that the note is in default and acceleration.
95. Provide copy of notice to the GSE's that the note is in default and acceleration.
96. Provide copy of notice by servicing agent to mortgage insurance carrier that the note is in foreclosure.
97. Provide copy of notice by servicing agent to GSE's that note is in foreclosure.
98. Provide copy of withdrawal request from GSE collateral pool of note in foreclosure.
99. Provide copy of transmittal of note from GSE collateral pool to bank.
100. Provide copy of withdrawal request from private investment vehicle collateral pool of note in foreclosure.
101. Provide copy of transmittal of note from public investment vehicle collateral pool of note in foreclosure.
102. Provide copy of notice to law firm that note is in foreclosure and authorization to execute action.
103. Was notice to law firm in paper form?
104. Was notice to law firm in electronic form?
105. Was foreclosure information sent to law firm in an electronic batch procedure?
106. Was the bank in possession of the "Original Promissory Note" when law firm executed foreclosure action?
107. Was the "Original Promissory Note" transmitted to the law firm?
108. Was a paper copy of the note sent to the law firm?
109. Was an electronic copy of the enote sent to the law firm?
110. Was the law firm ever in possession of the "Original Promissory Note"?
111. When was the Authoritative Copy originated?
112. Was the Authoritative Copy sent to the law firm?
113. Was a copy of the Authoritative copy sent to the law firm?
114. Was the purpose of purchasing the Authoritative Copy for servicing rights?
115. Was the purpose of purchasing the Authoritative Copy for beneficial rights?
116. Was the purpose of purchasing a copy of the Authoritative Copy for servicing rights?
117. Was the purpose of purchasing a copy of the Authoritative Copy for beneficial rights?
118. Does the law firm represent its client for the purpose of servicing rights of the Authoritative Copy?
119. Does the law firm represent its client for the purpose of beneficial rights of the Authoritative Copy?
120. Was the Authoritative Copy converted to paper?

Again, these were only my thoughts at that time, and not now. I know too much more to put here on this page.
